The UAE usually conjures up images of celebrities, luxury cars and towering skyscrapers. But few people think of the richness of its flora and…
de christopher chellapermal 11 December 2019This exercise is a personal and empirical reflection that I hope will raise debates that are both scientific and philosophical, rich and built on the acquisition of intelligence, cognition and ...
ArchivesbannerBiologyAdventure books
Diving in the United Arab Emirates, the Gulf of Arabia
de christopher chellapermal 13 June 2019Diving in the United Arab Emirates, in the land of black gold, The Gulf of Arabia Who has not heard of the United Arab Emirates and its capital "Abu Dhabi", with its incredible infrastructures, ...
ArchivesbannerBiologyEnvironmentGreenland - with four paws to the iceberg!Picture
Tanzania, Diving with Lake Tanganyika Fish: Mission of a lifetime!
de christopher chellapermal 6 June 2019Diving with the fish of Lake Tanganyika: mission of a lifetime! This article takes you away from it all, to dive with the extraordinary fish of Lake Tanganyika, in one of the…
Thomas Vignaud, how to be reconciled with sharks.
de christopher chellapermal 18 May 2019Thomas Vignaud how to come to terms with sharks? Hello, can you introduce yourself? It's always difficult to introduce yourself, but to situate myself in relation to the context: I spent, as a child, a lot of ...
“It is because animals do not cause that we have to plead their cause”, this quote from Szczepan Yamenski sums up, in itself, perfectly, the fight of the collective in charge of the project ...
PetsBiologyEnvironmentGreenland - with four paws to the iceberg!
shark college
de christopher chellapermal January 8 2019There are already several associations and educational programs in France about sharks. Shark College was born thanks to the fruit of the work of Pierlo Pablo and Doctor Thomas Vignaud,…
BiologyEnvironmentNewsTravel Tips
Participatory Science with Blue Skin
de christopher chellapermal January 8 2019This year, participatory sciences are the main themes of the 2019 Diving Show. Scuba People, the magazine, spoke with Patrick Louisy, highlighted for this show. For Patrick, ...
The tips for a perfect photo: Mandarins
de christopher chellapermal 26 October 2018Tips for a perfect photo: Mandarins Today we are going to describe some little tips for successfully taking pictures of mandarin fish. These colorful fish are considered among ...
The Association for the Study and Conservation of Selachians (APECS) goes to meet basking sharks during their passage on the Breton coast.
A Matter of Touch Whatever precautions may be taken, as a diver we always have an impact on the underwater flora and fauna. This is one of ...
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