The Terms of Service below govern your use of this Network. You are solely responsible for the conduct you adopt and the content you exchange on the Network, in strict compliance with these Terms of Use. By subscribing to our services, browsing or using this Network, you acknowledge having read and understood these Terms of Use and you agree to abide by them. This Network is not intended for minors under the age of 13 and only persons of at least 13 years of age are authorized to use it. Anyone who provides personal information through this Network certifies that they are at least 13 years old.
The fact of joining for free and becoming a member of implies that you agree to receive information and offers from and its partners. However, this information will always and exclusively be sent by We are committed never to sell, rent or give your personal information to any natural or legal person.
You agree not to communicate by e-mail, make available or publish content and not to use this Network:
- in a way that could infringe or abuse the intellectual property rights, other property rights or contractual rights of any third party;
- to distribute software viruses or any other computer code, file or program designed to disrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of any software, computer, peripheral or telecommunications equipment;
- for the purposes of spamming, "chain of correspondence", "pyramid scam", advertising of illegal or controlled products or services, or for purposes of marketing or advertising in violation of these Terms of Use, applicable law or rules, or generally accepted advertising practices;
- in a deceptive, fraudulent or illegal manner or which encourages the practice of illegal activities, including phishing or obtaining personal or financial data by deception or for the purposes of fraud or deception;
- in a defamatory manner or which could be considered as threatening, abusive, violent, harassing, malicious or harmful towards any person or entity, or invading the privacy of a third party;
- in a manner likely to harm minors in general;
- in a manner that incites hatred or is deemed to be discriminatory as to race, color, religious affiliation, nationality, gender, ethnic or national origins, marital status, disability, sexual orientation or at age or deemed generally unacceptable;
- for the purposes of identity theft, misrepresentation of your affiliation to a person or entity, or to gain access to this Network without authorization;
- in such a way as to disrupt or attempt to disrupt the proper functioning of this Network, to prevent third parties from using this Network or even to disrupt the normal flow of exchanges by sending the Network an excessive number of messages (flooding attack , by submersion) or, more generally, to impair the ability of third parties to use this Network;
- to use manual or automated means, including agents, robots or scripts, to access and hijack a user's account or to monitor or duplicate this Network or its content;
- or to facilitate the illegal distribution of content protected by copyright;
- in a way that involves the use of personal information or that allows a third party to be identified without the latter having given his consent to do so
- in any way that constitutes or includes an advertisement or solicitation of any form;
- in any way that involves the use of deceptive IP or email addresses, or forged headers or disguised identifiers to disguise the true origin of content transmitted through this Network or addressed to its users; and
- in a manner that constitutes or includes an advertisement or solicitation of any form when the content is directed to users who have taken care to request not to be contacted for the promotion of other services, products or business interests .
In addition, you agree not to:
- “Stalk” or harass anyone in any way;
- collect, use, or disclose other users' data, including their personal information, without their prior consent or for illegal purposes or in violation of applicable laws and regulations;
- request, solicit, or obtain access to the usernames, passwords or other authentication information of any member of this Network, or to the proxy server authentication information of any member of this Network in order to automate session openings on this Network;
- post on this Network any content of child pornography;
- post any content illustrating or containing scenes of rape, ultra violence, murder, bestiality, incest or a similar nature;
- publish any content of a pornographic nature, comprising scenes of nudity or being clearly reserved for an adult audience;
- use automated means, including robots (spiders, crawlers, etc.), data mining tools or equivalent, to download data from this Network, except for the purpose of referencing with Internet search engines (eg Google ) and non-commercial public archives (eg, in accordance with our robots.txt file, or for the purposes of syndicating content with "properly rated" web services and RSS / Atom clients. We reserve the right to define the term “correctly estimated”;
- post inappropriate content, repeatedly post the same or similar content, or burden the network infrastructure excessively, disproportionately or unreasonably;
- attempt to gain unauthorized access to our computer systems or participate in any activity intended to interrupt or disrupt the operation of this Network, lower its quality of service or hamper its functionality;
- use this Network as a generic file hosting service;
- take measures that may interfere with the proper functioning of feedback or performance monitoring systems (such as displaying or importing feedback information, exporting it outside the Network or diverting these systems from their primary purpose); and
- develop, invoke or use computer code to interrupt or disrupt the operation of this Network, reduce its quality of service or hamper its functionality.
To know how to report an alleged copyright infringement in connection with this Network, please contact us.
You agree not to authorize or encourage any third party to use this Network as part of any of the aforementioned prohibited practices. You also acknowledge that the Network Terms of Service are in the best interests of our service providers (including the provider of the platform on which our Network is based) and that they may take action (including remove your content and deactivate your account) in order to restore compliance with these Network Terms of Service. It is the online service provider of this Network which provides the necessary technology and ensures its hosting. However, it is the Creator of this Network who is responsible for administering the contents, memberships and rules for using the Network, including for the pages served by said service provider on behalf of this Network. Notwithstanding the foregoing, by contributing to this Network, you agree to indemnify and defend said service provider with respect to all aspects of your interaction with other users on this Network and your contribution to this Network.
These Terms of Service govern your use of this network. You are fully responsible for your actions and content on the network and must comply with these terms. By registering on Ning or using or browsing this network, you acknowledge having read and understood these conditions and agree to be legally bound by them. This network is not intended for children under 13 and is only available to users who are 13 or older. Anyone providing their personal information through this network declares that they are at least 13 years old.
You agree not to post, email or make available any content or use this network:
- in any way that would infringe, violate or misappropriate the intellectual property rights of a third party or any other property or contractual right;
- in any way that contains viruses or any other computer code, file or program intended to interrupt, destroy or restrict the operation of any software, hardware or telecommunications equipment;
- to disseminate spam, chain mail, pyramid schemes, advertise illegal or controlled products or services, or otherwise promote activities that violate these Terms of Service or any law applicable, any regulation or directive recognized in the advertising sector;
- in a deceptive, deceptive or fraudulent or otherwise illegal manner, nor to promote illicit activities, including phishing operations or any other type of deception aimed at obtaining financial or personal information in a false manner or for fraudulent or deceptive purposes ;
- in a libelous or defamatory manner, or otherwise threatening, abusive, violent, harassing, malicious or harmful towards any natural or legal person, or even disrespectful of the privacy of another person;
- in a manner detrimental to minors in any way;
- in a hateful or discriminatory manner as to race, skin color, sex, nationality, ethnic or national origin, marital status, physical or mental disability, sexual orientation, age, or manner deemed unacceptable;
- to usurp the identity of any person, falsely declare to be affiliated with a natural or legal person or to obtain access to this network without authorization;
- to hinder or attempt to hinder the proper functioning of this network or prevent other people from using this network, or so as to disrupt the normal flow of dialogue with an excessive number of messages (flood attack) to this network, or which otherwise adversely affects the ability of another person to use this network;
- to use manual or automated means (agents, robots, scripts, etc.) to access or manage another user's account or to monitor or copy this network or related content;
- to facilitate the illegal distribution of copyrighted content;
- in a way that includes personal information or that identifies another person without their express consent;
- in a manner that uses deceptive email or IP addresses, forged headers or other adulterated identifiers to disguise the origin of any content transmitted through this network or from users; and
- in a manner that constitutes or contains any form of advertising or solicitation if the content is sent to users who have requested not to be contacted about other services, products or business interests.
In addition, you agree not to:
- “Annoy” or otherwise harass anyone;
- collect, use or disclose information (including personal information) about other users without their consent or for illegal purposes or in violation of applicable laws and regulations;
- request, solicit or otherwise access the usernames, passwords or other identifying information of any member of this network or to identify by proxy a member of this network in order to generate an automated connection to this network;
- publish any child pornography content on this network;
- post any content showing or containing scenes of rape, extreme violence, murder, bestiality, incest or any other similar content;
- publish any content of a pornographic nature, containing nudity or reserved for a major public;
- use automated means (robots, data extraction tools, etc.) to download data from this network, with the exception of Internet search engines (Google for example) and public archivers for non-commercial purposes (eg conforming to our robots.txt file, or "disciplined" Web / RSS / Atom client services. We reserve the right to define what we mean by “disciplined”;
- post inappropriate content, repeatedly post the same or similar content or impose an unreasonable or disproportionately large load on the network infrastructure;
- attempt to gain unauthorized access to our computer systems or instigate activities aimed at interrupting, reducing the quality of, hampering the performance of or deteriorating the operation of this network;
- use this network as a traditional file hosting service;
- take any action that may hinder the comments or evaluation systems (by preventing the display, import or export of comments appearing on this network or by using them for purposes unrelated to this network in particular); or
- develop or use any code intended to interrupt, diminish the quality of, impede the performance of or impair the operation of this network.
If you access content that you believe to be infringing copyright on this network, please contact us to report it.
You agree not to authorize or encourage any third party to use this network in order to carry out the aforementioned prohibited acts. You also acknowledge that these Network Terms of Service apply for the benefit of our service providers (including the platform provider for our network) and that they are empowered to act (by removing your content and deactivating your account, for example) to ensure compliance with these Network Terms of Service. The technology and hosting of this network is provided by said network online service provider. However, the creator of this network exercises control over the content, membership and policy of this network, in particular the pages distributed by said service provider on behalf of this network. Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary, by participating on this network you agree to indemnify and hold harmless said service provider for any matter related to your interaction with other Internet users using this network and your participation in this network.
In the framework of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), we offer you the possibility of accessing and deleting your data at the same time as your account. To do this, you just have to fill out the form below.