Editorial Line of Scuba-people
How are the articles distributed?
- Through the website and plaetforme developed on scuba-people.com
- Through various social networks (facebook, instagram, twitter ...)
- Through SEO Optimization for Search Engines
Who is the targeted reader
- Any French or English speaking person interested in the underwater world and the world of diving
What are the topics of the articles written
The magazine is the journal of the oceans and can deal with:
- Any article dealing with the world of diving.
- Any article dealing with wildlife or the underwater environment.
- Any article dealing with diving tourist destinations.
The expertise of the editor-in-chief
Christophe Chellapermal has 20 years of professional activity in the field of scuba diving which allows him to have the necessary skills to verify the sources and the accuracy of the facts and articles treated.
Scuba-people is defined as an informative and non-doctrinal journal, mainly devoted to general information, without excluding specialized information, within the limits of appropriate extension,.
Scuba-people is independent of political power, namely government and public administration, as well as economic, social and religious groups, it is governed by criteria of pluralism, exemption and impartiality, style and of form.
Scuba people aims to provide strict and competent information (in the sense of the most complete fact-finding), balanced (in hearing the interests at stake) and objective (even when interpreting events).
Scuba people, through its journalists, and under the responsibility of its director, undertakes to respect the legislation applicable to journalistic activity, namely the law of the press, as well as the ethical and deontological principles of the profession.
E-mails from the editor
For the editor, main address: info@scuba-people.com (Christophe CHELLAPERMAL)
For advertising, partnerships and communication: info@scuba-people.com (Christophe CHELLAPERMAL)
For the administration: info@scuba-people.com (Christophe CHELLAPERMAL)
Linha Editorial de Mergulhadores
How are the artigos são distribuídos?
- Através of the site and platform devolvido em scuba-people.com
- Through various social media (facebook, instagram, twitter, etc.)
- SEO optimization tools for fishing mechanisms
Quem é o leitor direcionado
- Qualquer pessoa que fale inglês ou inglês interessada no mundo subaquático e no mundo do mergulho
Quays são os tópicos dos artigos escritos
A revista é a revista dos oceanos e pode lidar com:
- Some article that lida com o mundo do mergulho.
- Some art that deals with living life or the underwater environment.
- Some art that lida com destinos turísticos de mergulho.
A experience do editor-chefe
Christophe Chellapermal tem 20 anos de actividade profissional na área do mergulho autónomo o que lhe permite ter as competências necessárias para verificar as fontes ea veracidade dos facts e artigos tratados.
Scuba-people is defined as a periodical informative and not doutrinário, mainly voltado para a geral informação, sem exclude a especializada informação, dentro dos limits da adequada extension.
O Scuba-people are independent of politics, nomeadamente governo and public administration, even as economic, social and religious groups, governed by criteria of pluralism, isenção and impartiality, style and form.
O Scuba people aim to provide rigorous and competent information (no sentiment but complete approval), balanced (open to those interested in the game) and purposeful (mesmo na interpretação dos acontecimentos).
O Scuba people, através dos seus jornalistas, e sob a responsabilidade do seu directe, committe-se a cumprir a legislação aplicável à atividade jornalística, nomeadamente a lei da imprensa, bem como os princípios éticos e profissionais da profissão.
Emails do editor
Para o editor, principal endereço: info@scuba-people.com (Christophe CHELLAPERMAL)
For publicity, reasons and communication: info@scuba-people.com (Christophe CHELLAPERMAL)
Para administração: info@scuba-people.com (Christophe CHELLAPERMAL)