Welcome to the Scubarena competition for this spring 2020 with our partner Steven Surina from Shark Education !
Upload your photo and try to win “Meet the sharks“, The book by Steven Surina and Cyril Girard.
3 copies to win for the 3 photos with the most votes
The theme is : FUN BUBBLES
Take a photo of yourself while putting yourself in the funniest possible diving situation!
- You must be registered and connected to the site.
- Only one photo per participant. Mini size 1200px, Maxi size 1920px in 72ppi. Max weight 3MB
- Contest open from April 27 to May 31, 2020.
You can vote once a day! Remember to invite your friends!
The objective of SCUBA-PEOPLE.COM is to promote diving and underwater photography in all its
shapes. The members of the organizing team of SCUBA-PEOPLE.COM as well as the members of the jury and their families refrain from participating in this competition.
Article 2 - The competition
A free digital photo competition is organized, open to users registered on the site www.scuba-people.com until May 31, 2020 on the theme "FUN BUBBLES:
take a photo of yourself while putting yourself in the funniest possible diving situation!».
Article 3 - Photos
Color or black and white, in JPG or PNG 72DPI format. Assemblies and collages are not allowed. To facilitate downloading, each photo will have a maximum dimension of 1920 pixels on its longest side so as not to exceed 3 MB.
The photos participating in the competition must be the entire realization of the author who must own the rights. The author's name must not be visible in the photograph.
Article 4 - Sending
Competitors may submit 1 photo.
The deadline for participation is May 31, 2020 at 23 p.m.
No photos will be sent by mail as this is a digital contest. Photos should be uploaded to this page.
In case of difficulty in downloading, the photographs can be sent by email to info@scuba-people.com
Article 5 - Jury and results
The photos will be noted by the members of the site. In the event of a tie, the photos will be decided by the Scuba-people.com staff according to artistic and technical criteria: Respect of the theme - Originality - Technique - Quality of the shot - Aesthetics of the photograph etc ... and the decisions will be without appeal.
The Jury will be made up of members of the Scuba-People.com team.
The results will be made public on this page and on our facebook page from June 1, 2020.
Prizes will be sent to the winners by post.
Article 6 - Endowment
- Prices 1,2 and 3:
Book “Meeting with sharks”
Article 7 - Liability
In case of force majeure or if exceptional circumstances so require, Scuba-People.com reserves the right: to shorten, extend, modify or cancel this competition. Its responsibility can not be engaged for this fact. The organization cannot be held responsible in the event of exceptional events or other events beyond its control (technical problems) preventing the smooth running of the competition, partially or totally depriving the winners of the benefit of their prize (s). .
Article 8 - Right on works
This competition does not aim to acquire the rights to the works: the participants remain the owners of all the photos taken. However, they authorize Scuba-People.com to use them for non-commercial purposes: exhibitions and display of results on the website www.scuba-people.com and on the Facebook page, posters and press articles for the promotion of the competition .
Article 9 - Application of the regulations
Any participation in the competition entails full acceptance of these rules. Any additional information can be obtained by email: info@scuba-people.com