j’ai prevu les semaines à venir de partir plonger avec des requins bouledoques à Playa del Carmen dans le Yucatan au Mexique. Voici un mail que je viens de recevoir :
Sandra Munzert has sent you a message on iDive Sharks
Subject: bull sharks
Hello Kjeld,
> something awful happened!!! We were spotting & already diving with the first sharks of the season. But one week ago they disappeared
from one day to another. We were wondering until we heard, that a
fisherman from Puerto Morelos was fishing for sharks last saturday. HE
KILLED 9 BULLSHARKS!!! 7 of them where pregnant females! He killed them
all in one day! These were the first sharks of the season…all dead!
Some females we recognized, are coming here since years for having their
babies. 50 dead pubs were taken out from the dead females. You cannot
imagine in what a rage most of the divers are. We could identify this
guy who did it, now we are putting all our power together to do
something about it. We need justice & we need to protect all sharks
in the future, that something like this is not happening again. Today we
have created a webpage & a petition I ask you to sign in. There you
can also find an article from the newspaper, they wrote about the
‘bloody saturday’. We need much signatures a possible for creating a law
to protect sharks in Playa del Carmen & area. Thank you very much,
aidez-nous à reglémenter de telles barbaries en signant la pétition sur
2 commentaires
Hello man,
Je te croyais perdu dans le vieux port… qui est Sandra Munzert??? On va reprendre l’info sur le prochain mag si tu es d’accord. Histoire de faire savoir que cela existe 🙁
See U
J’étais à Sipadan en 2008, je n’ai pas vu de mantas, ni de marteaux, je commence à comprendre pourquoi !
Cela reste dans mon top 5 des destinations plongée et ces photos me font froid dans le dos.
On se demande à quoi servent les militaires sur l’île, qui font les gros bras dès qu’une petite plongeuse saute du bateau…quand je leur ai demandé, ils m’ont répondu qu’ils protégeaient les tortues des touristes (car on ne parle pas de Jolo là-bas) ! Et on parle encore moins des braconniers.
Ziad, je viens d’envoyer un mail également. En revanche le lien ne marchait pas. Je reposte le texte.
Fight for rays and sharks !
To: <david@sabahtourism.com>
Cc: <alinamaria_ontmalaisie@club-internet.fr>
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am writing to ask that you immediately forbid any shark and manta ray fishing in Malasia, especially around Sipadan. This fauna belongs to the human patrimony and represents a great deal us and the thousands of tourists and divers visiting Malaysia: https://scuba-people.com/profiles/blogs/de-mauvaises-niouses-de?xg_source=activity
We sincerely need your help and immediate action as we cannot foresee any further promotion of Malaysia without your authorities preventing this disaster. Please receive our best thoughts and our full support for protecting Sipadan in particular and mother nature in general.
Yours sincerely,
Bonjour Madame, bonjour Monsieur,
Nous adressons ce mail pour vous solliciter l’interdiction immédiate de la pêche de requins et de raies mantas, patrimoine de l’humanité, particulièrement autour de l’île de Sipadan: https://scuba-people.com/profiles/blogs/de-mauvaises-niouses-de?xg_source=activity
Nous avons besoin de votre aide et de votre intervention et nous ne pouvons concevoir la promotion de la Malaisie sans un effet immédiat et une intervention de vos autorités pour stopper cette hécatombe.
Recevez nos plus amicales salutations,